On Saturday, May 4 between 11 AM and 4 PM, the six wineries of Lake Country will be hosting the Scenic Sip event. "Taste Lake Country" will be showcasing the award winning, diverse wines of this spectacular region. There will be wine tastings paired with food at each of the wineries. Tickets are $20 for all 6 wineries or $5 for individual wineries. I will be doing a demonstration painting at the Ex Nihilio winery and will have a few pieces of my work on display. I hope you can drop by and say hello!
Recently, I was asked by Opus to assist Doug Brown of the Go! Okanagan TV show, in the painting of a plein air. The show was highlighting the Opus Outdoor Painting Challenge and outdoor painting in general. It was a lot of fun! I hope you enjoy the following video clips. My husband and I just got back from over six weeks camping and fishing in the lakes of Northern Manitoba. My husband is an avid fisherman and while I like fishing too, I take the opportunity while we are there to paint and photograph the incredible Canadian Shield landscape. Between catching Walleye and Northern Pike, I sketched with ink and watercolour from the boat. We explored Cormorant Lake, Little Cormorant Lake and Frog Creek during our holiday (all of which are just outside of The Pas, Manitoba). There are many beautiful spots to paint on this water system. I would start with a quick sketch in pen to place the major elements. Then I added watercolour to the sketch, sometimes using conventional brushes but more often just using a water brush. This handy tool has a barrel that you fill with water. It is great for quickly adding colour to a sketch. The amount of water in the barrel is enough to paint 1 larger or several smaller sketches. Between massive slabs of lichen covered rocks, trees, a wide variety of skies and beautiful reflections, there was more than enough to get my creative juices flowing. Most of my paintings were done in small watercolour sketchbooks. Everything I used was contained in one bag – sketch pads, drawing materials, watercolour palette and collapsible water container (there was no lack of water available for painting!). I find that painting on location gives me a much better appreciation of the landscape than simply taking photos to work from later. The act of painting on the spot forces you to summarize the scene – to get to the essence of the landscape. I took lots of pictures (over 4500!!) to refer to later but several of my small sketches will serve as the leaping off point for studio pieces next winter. Enjoy the paintings! Just click on any thumbnail to view a larger version. This summer I took the opportunity provided by the nice weather to get outside to paint. After wrestling with my very heavy pastel box and struggling with my rapid drying acrylics, I decided I needed a more suitable method to capture the great outdoors. The day after the Lake Country Art Walk Show, I was too tired to pack a lot of stuff so I took my watercolour palette and at the last minute, decided to throw in my pens and ink bottle. I immediately fell in love with this combination of media. Not long after, I decided to submit some work to the Lake Country Art Gallery for their annual Under 100 show. This show is limited to works under 100 square inches and priced at under $100. It's timing (just before Christmas) is no coincidence. This very successful show is an idea place to find that perfect gift for someone. Little Wilderness, 6" x 8" Acrylic, $85 The plein aire works I had been creating were perfect. I also decided to do several small acrylics for the show (from the comfort of my studio). I will also be exhibiting a number of these smaller paintings at the For the Sake of Art Almighty annual show at the Rotary Centre for the Arts on November 12 and 13. These works have been a lot of fun to do and I have learned a lot as well. I hope you can make it to one or the other show. If you make it to the show at the Rotary Centre for the Arts, stop by my booth and say hello! Ah! Summer time. Time to get out of the studio to sketch and paint on location. Painting on location or "Plein Air" painting, as it is known, is a great way capture the beauty of our Okanagan valley. Although I also take photos and work with them back in the studio, nothing replaces actually being there. And since cameras do not tend to record the scene the same way as our eyes see it, being there is essential to capturing the landscape in a painting as it really is. I am lucky to have a friend to paint with - Sharon Rose, a very talented artist from Vernon, BC. She and I go out about once a week to paint. Although painting on location has its challenges - changing light, clouds that won't hold still, bugs and other inconveniences, I wouldn't give it up for anything. |
AuthorThe Okanagan provides inspiration wherever you look. I enjoy both painting on location and working in my studio. For more information contact me at [email protected] Archives
November 2023